Beyond the Beginning

Unveiling the Evolutionary Paths of Startups Using Dynamic Classification

Joschka Schwarz

Hamburg University of Technology

Thursday, 13. June 2024


Creative Destruction: Out with the Old, in with the New

Schumpeter characterized creative destruction as innovations in the manufacturing process that increase productivity, describing it as the …

… «process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.»

— Joseph Schumpeter (1942)

Digital Disrupt: How Netflix’s Success demonstrates the Effectiveness of Business Model Innovation

Securing the Future: Navigating the Evolutionary Path of Business Models for sustainable Growth

Blockbuster’s Digital Demise: How Failing to Adapt Led to Bankruptcy (Dynamics of competitive structures)

Constructive destruction: What has to be changed?

[…] it is not that kind of competition [price, ed] which counts but the competition from the new commodity, the new technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organization – competition which commands a decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives.»

— Joseph Schumpeter (1942)

Business Model Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

Research Objective: An evolutionary approach to Business Model Innovation & Value Proposition Development

Market structure map: Spatial representation of firms’ competitive positions relative to one another based on some measure of their competitive relationships (DeSarbo et al. 1993).

  • Such maps typically capture static snapshots in time. Yet, competitive positions tend to change.

Firms’ trajectories: Evolutionary paths of firms’ positions over time relative to all other firms in a market based on their value proposition


From value propositions to competitive positions

Defining a Startup’s unique Value Proposition: How to identify Core Value?



  • Static: Venture Capital Databases (Crunchbase, Pitchbook, … )
  • Dynamic: Natural language processing and historical websites (WayBack Machine)

How they faced a Digital Transformation: Changes in Netflix’s business model over time


Handling Noisy Data Part 1:
Extracting Key Noun Phrases for Essential Insight


Unlike simplistic keywords, nounphrases transcend single words, comprising compound expressions that encapsulate the essence of the text more comprehensively

Tools: SpaCy (nounchunk library) & Custom Algorithmus

Handling Noisy Data Part 2:
Leveraging Embeddings for Similarity Calculations

Handling Noisy Data Part 3:
Clustering with Candidate Keyphrases


  1. Cluster Crunchbase & Pitchbook Description Embeddings, which are describing value propositions
  1. Use corresponding medoids/centroids (k=300) as ultimate truth anchors
  1. Find appropriate similarity threshold as cutoff for website embeddings

Handling Noisy Data Part 4:
Consolidating Unique Embeddings for Value Propositions

Mapping Moments: Unveiling competitive positions through Time-Indexed Pairwise Similarity Measures


Proof of Concept: Exploring Competitive Landscapes with the EvoMap Algorithm


Sequence of Maps

Dynamic Map

Charting the Future: Perspectives and Projections

Exploring the Role of Pivotal Shifts: Driving Force or Outcome Variable?

Fueling Startup Success: Pivotal Shifts as Driving Force Behind Securing Funding


Thank you for your attention!


B1: The Evolutionary Path

B2: Websites: Perceived value proposition


  • Value propositions are derived from the descriptions that firms provide to the market through their websites
  • This contrasts with existing industry classification schemes, which often rely on external assessments
  • By this, we capture a more dynamic and internally generated perspective of their industry affiliations, potentially offering a richer understanding of their positioning and evolution over time

Start-up Roadmap: The Myth of the Linear Path

1st Goal: Keyphrase Extraction